We are always taking donations. We accept donations of the following:
Clothing - All sizes
Shoes - All sizes
Kitchen Utensils
Household Essentials
Household Decorations
Baby Gear including car seats and strollers
Food - Anything (not expired)
Baby Wipes
Baby Food
Soaps/Hygiene Products
School/Art Supplies
Kids Toys
Misc. Items
Winter Apparel
Swimming Items
Donation drop off location date & times:
Saturdays - 217 Quarry St. #61 Dodgeville - 8am-11am
​If that doesn't work for you, please send a message to work out a time during the week!
Any monetary donations are used to help pay the rent and lights to keep our store and for diapers for those parents in desperate need. You may also ship directly to us at 201 S. Linn St. Dodgeville, WI 53533.
If your not sure if we will accept your donation of items, just send us a quick message.
If you have any questions or want to donate, send us an email, call, or Facebook message. Contact information is in the "Contact Us" tab.